
Yianju Property Wanbailin Branch Held Fire Drill

June 10, Yianju Property Wanlin Branch Company held a fire emergency rescue drill in Xishan Water Plant high-rise residential area, and trained more than 100 staff from 120 residential areas under the jurisdiction of 21 project departments, aiming to make employees familiar with fire facilities and installation, skillfully use fire equipment, and improve fire disposal ability.

The drill was divided into two parts: fire knowledge training and simulated practice drill. Xishan Fire Brigade commander demonstrated the method of gas mask, explained how to escape and self-rescue, and the usage of fire hose and fire extinguisher.

According to the drill procedures, all participants should carry out rescue on the fire floors to help the trapped people, alarm 110 and 120, shut off the power and gas, evacuate the personnel until the fire extinguished, and successfully complete the drill task.
